Alco Iron & Metal - Vallejo, California

Adresse: 321 Azuar Drive, Vallejo, CA 94592.
Téléphone: 075621107.
Site web:
Spécialités: Marchand de ferraille, Fournisseur d'aluminium, Fournisseur de cuivre, Manufacture de métal, Fournisseur de métal, Centre de recyclage.
Autres données d'intérêt: Entrée accessible en fauteuil roulant, Parking accessible en fauteuil roulant.
Avis : Cette entreprise a 71 avis sur Google My Business.
Avis moyen: 3.9/5.

Emplacement de Alco Iron & Metal

Alco Iron & Metal est une entreprise spécialisée dans la ferraille et les métaux située à Vallejo, en Californie. Avec l'adresse 321 Azuar Drive, Vallejo, CA 94592, le téléphone 075621107 et le site web, Alco Iron & Metal offre une gamme complète de services dans le secteur de la métallurgie.

Les spécialités de l'entreprise comprennent le commerce de ferraille, la fourniture d'aluminium et de cuivre, la fabrication de métal, la fourniture de métal et le recyclage. De plus, Alco Iron & Metal est un lieu accessible en fauteuil roulant, avec un parking adapté pour les personnes à mobilité réduite.

Cette entreprise a reçu 71 avis sur Google My Business, avec une moyenne de 3.9/5. Ces avis témoignent de la qualité des services et produits proposés par Alco Iron & Metal, ainsi que de la satisfaction générale de sa clientèle.

Pour toute personne à la recherche d'un fournisseur de métaux fiable et de qualité, Alco Iron & Metal est un choix idéal. Son emplacement stratégique à Vallejo, en Californie, en fait un acteur clé dans le secteur de la métallurgie de la région. Avec sa vaste gamme de spécialités et son engagement envers l'accessibilité, Alco Iron & Metal est une entreprise complète et professionnelle.

Si vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur les services proposés par Alco Iron & Metal, n'hésitez pas à visiter leur site web et à les contacter pour toute demande d'information supplémentaire. Leur équipe compétente se fera un plaisir de vous aider dans vos projets métallurgiques. N'hésitez pas à les contacter dès maintenant

Avis de Alco Iron & Metal

Alco Iron & Metal - Vallejo, California

This place only play pays you half of the market rate for the wire your recycling I’m an electrical contractor and I just brought 124 pounds of aluminum wire insulated and got $16 that was at .130 cents per pound

Alco Iron & Metal - Vallejo, California
Kage Gill

One of the best metal recycling facilities. Very structured, buy and sell metals. Located right off hwy 37.
Great customer service, saved me time and money from going to oakland. There rates are near the same as going directly to the oakland port recyclers

Alco Iron & Metal - Vallejo, California
David Rainey

Much better environment since their building burned down and was rebuilt. You do have to watch them as they sometimes like to weigh your sales product and "forget" to include it in your payout. Of course that only works when you have multiple types of nob ferrous metals you are selling.

Alco Iron & Metal - Vallejo, California
C. Wycliffe

I would have never imagined writing a great review for a recycling business, but this team of employees have been outstanding!
Jay, Miguel, Luis, and Cynthia are the top four employees that have shown me just how a company can truly shine! Thank you for striving to do as much as possible to help me every time I come there!

Alco Iron & Metal - Vallejo, California

I called in advance to get a price quote for my material that I was recycling, the woman quoted me $160-$170 a ton. I told her exactly what I had which was gondola shelving and racking approximately 5000 lbs give or take. I telephoned again when I got there to confirm quoted price, again the woman confirmed $160-$170 a ton. We unloaded my materials and weighed out, went in to get paid and a different gal says $120 a ton. After going back and forth I reluctantly had no choice but to agree beings I already unloaded to $120 a ton. They owe me around $60.00 and I want my money. The original woman I spoke to Karrie never even came down to look at my load or to handle any disagreement in the office. Very bad business. Never ever will I go there and I will post reviews every so often just as a warning to other unsuspecting customers. Karrie is a liar. They don't even deserve 1 star.

Alco Iron & Metal - Vallejo, California
Tracey Franco

Dint go here if you dont know what you are doing because they will rio yoy off especially if you are a woman. I made the mistake if asking for help and they burned me. 84 pounds if unstripped wire and they gave me 6 bucks ....NEVER GO WITHOUT SOMEONE IF YOU ARE A WOMAN OR BETTER YET DONT GO HER AT ALL PERIOD!!!

Alco Iron & Metal - Vallejo, California
Kevyn Davis

The location speaks volumes in harmony as they perfect your service! The staff are an excellent compliment to the founding standards of this legendary retail store!! Please hurry to see that your iorn and medal are put to good work by the handsome men of the store !!!

Alco Iron & Metal - Vallejo, California

They don’t pay you for scrap recycling unless you have at least 500 lbs, and you don’t know until you unload.

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